Cooking through Induction Stove – DANGER (or) HEALTHY?

Cooking through Induction Stove – DANGER (or) HEALTHY?

  • Categories:News
  • Author:Lilian
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2022-01-18
  • Views:0

(Summary description)Why are people using induction stove these days?

In this modern culture, People are replacing induction stove instead of a gas stove for cooking. They are using induction stove due to the insufficient and unavailability of gas which might finishes suddenly as we don’t have a simple way to identify the current volume of gas in the cylinder. And some more people are using if for instant cooking which is almost 50% faster than gas cooking.

How is it functioning?

Induction stove heats the vessels directly, which is made up of ferromagnetic material. A coil (Copper wire) kept under the cooking plate (Ceramic cooking area). Coil produces high-frequency electromagnetic field. When we switch on the induction stove electric current will flow through the coil, which generates an electromagnetic field.

The electromagnetic field sets electron on vessels and it will send many tiny electric currents to the vessel, this process is called as EDDY current. Hence ceramic plate heats the vessel and vessel’s content (i.e., food). When we remove the vessels automatically heat generation will stop. A sensor is used to detect overheat and de-activation of the power supply and we can control the current waves.

The technology used for cooking:

Induction stove can be used by the following technologies:

ELECTRIC CURRENT, Which is sent to the copper coil.
MAGNETIC FIELD, Which transfers many smaller currents to the vessels.
EDDY CURRENTS, Which produce heat to the vessels.
SENSOR, Which displays the values of the EDDY Currents & we can adjust the heat waves.

Cooking in induction stove – Is it safe?

Induction stove produces low-frequency radiation while cooking. It causes nothing when we operate it a few inches of distance. Those radiations are much more similar to microwave radiation and such radiations will disappear faster. Make sure that you are keeping distances when you are cooking in both the electric units.

For people who use cardiac implants such as a pacemaker (or), defibrillators should use it with more care. There might be some problems for such people as per reports published in “Europace”. If your induction stove is too old and when power fluctuations happen, don’t use metal spoons to stir food when the power is on, there might be chances of getting an electric shock.

Hence, the overall process is so safe and there is no negative effect on food cooked through induction stoves.

Cooking through Induction Stove – DANGER (or) HEALTHY?

(Summary description)Why are people using induction stove these days?

In this modern culture, People are replacing induction stove instead of a gas stove for cooking. They are using induction stove due to the insufficient and unavailability of gas which might finishes suddenly as we don’t have a simple way to identify the current volume of gas in the cylinder. And some more people are using if for instant cooking which is almost 50% faster than gas cooking.

How is it functioning?

Induction stove heats the vessels directly, which is made up of ferromagnetic material. A coil (Copper wire) kept under the cooking plate (Ceramic cooking area). Coil produces high-frequency electromagnetic field. When we switch on the induction stove electric current will flow through the coil, which generates an electromagnetic field.

The electromagnetic field sets electron on vessels and it will send many tiny electric currents to the vessel, this process is called as EDDY current. Hence ceramic plate heats the vessel and vessel’s content (i.e., food). When we remove the vessels automatically heat generation will stop. A sensor is used to detect overheat and de-activation of the power supply and we can control the current waves.

The technology used for cooking:

Induction stove can be used by the following technologies:

ELECTRIC CURRENT, Which is sent to the copper coil.
MAGNETIC FIELD, Which transfers many smaller currents to the vessels.
EDDY CURRENTS, Which produce heat to the vessels.
SENSOR, Which displays the values of the EDDY Currents & we can adjust the heat waves.

Cooking in induction stove – Is it safe?

Induction stove produces low-frequency radiation while cooking. It causes nothing when we operate it a few inches of distance. Those radiations are much more similar to microwave radiation and such radiations will disappear faster. Make sure that you are keeping distances when you are cooking in both the electric units.

For people who use cardiac implants such as a pacemaker (or), defibrillators should use it with more care. There might be some problems for such people as per reports published in “Europace”. If your induction stove is too old and when power fluctuations happen, don’t use metal spoons to stir food when the power is on, there might be chances of getting an electric shock.

Hence, the overall process is so safe and there is no negative effect on food cooked through induction stoves.

  • Categories:News
  • Author:Lilian
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2022-01-18
  • Views:0

Why are people using induction stove these days?

In this modern culture, People are replacing induction stove instead of a gas stove for cooking. They are using induction stove due to the insufficient and unavailability of gas which might finishes suddenly as we don’t have a simple way to identify the current volume of gas in the cylinder. And some more people are using if for instant cooking which is almost 50% faster than gas cooking.

How is it functioning?

Induction stove heats the vessels directly, which is made up of ferromagnetic material. A coil (Copper wire) kept under the cooking plate (Ceramic cooking area). Coil produces high-frequency electromagnetic field. When we switch on the induction stove electric current will flow through the coil, which generates an electromagnetic field.

The electromagnetic field sets electron on vessels and it will send many tiny electric currents to the vessel, this process is called as EDDY current. Hence ceramic plate heats the vessel and vessel’s content (i.e., food). When we remove the vessels automatically heat generation will stop. A sensor is used to detect overheat and de-activation of the power supply and we can control the current waves.

The technology used for cooking:

Induction stove can be used by the following technologies:

  1. ELECTRIC CURRENT, Which is sent to the copper coil.
  2. MAGNETIC FIELD, Which transfers many smaller currents to the vessels.
  3. EDDY CURRENTS, Which produce heat to the vessels.
  4. SENSOR, Which displays the values of the EDDY Currents & we can adjust the heat waves.

Cooking in induction stove – Is it safe?

Induction stove produces low-frequency radiation while cooking. It causes nothing when we operate it a few inches of distance. Those radiations are much more similar to microwave radiation and such radiations will disappear faster. Make sure that you are keeping distances when you are cooking in both the electric units.

For people who use cardiac implants such as a pacemaker (or), defibrillators should use it with more care. There might be some problems for such people as per reports published in “Europace”. If your induction stove is too old and when power fluctuations happen, don’t use metal spoons to stir food when the power is on, there might be chances of getting an electric shock.

Hence, the overall process is so safe and there is no negative effect on food cooked through induction stoves.



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Cooking through Induction Stove – DANGER (or) HEALTHY?
Why are people using induction stove these days? In this modern culture, People are replacing induction stove instead of a gas stove for cooking. They are using induction stove due to the insufficient and unavailability of gas which might finishes suddenly as we don’t have a simple way to identify the current volume of gas in the cylinder. And some more people are using if for instant cooking which is almost 50% faster than gas cooking. How is it functioning? Induction stove heats the vessels directly, which is made up of ferromagnetic material. A coil (Copper wire) kept under the cooking plate (Ceramic cooking area). Coil produces high-frequency electromagnetic field. When we switch on the induction stove electric current will flow through the coil, which generates an electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field sets electron on vessels and it will send many tiny electric currents to the vessel, this process is called as EDDY current. Hence ceramic plate heats the vessel and vessel’s content (i.e., food). When we remove the vessels automatically heat generation will stop. A sensor is used to detect overheat and de-activation of the power supply and we can control the current waves. The technology used for cooking: Induction stove can be used by the following technologies: ELECTRIC CURRENT, Which is sent to the copper coil. MAGNETIC FIELD, Which transfers many smaller currents to the vessels. EDDY CURRENTS, Which produce heat to the vessels. SENSOR, Which displays the values of the EDDY Currents & we can adjust the heat waves. Cooking in induction stove – Is it safe? Induction stove produces low-frequency radiation while cooking. It causes nothing when we operate it a few inches of distance. Those radiations are much more similar to microwave radiation and such radiations will disappear faster. Make sure that you are keeping distances when you are cooking in both the electric units. For people who use cardiac implants such as a pacemaker (or), defibrillators should use it with more care. There might be some problems for such people as per reports published in “Europace”. If your induction stove is too old and when power fluctuations happen, don’t use metal spoons to stir food when the power is on, there might be chances of getting an electric shock. Hence, the overall process is so safe and there is no negative effect on food cooked through induction stoves.
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How does an induction cooker heat food?
Induction cooker is a common cooker, which uses eddy currents generated by electromagnetic induction to heat food. Compared with the traditional electric furnace and gas stove, electromagnetic furnace has a lot of advantages, such as higher thermal efficiency, furnace surface clean, do not produce toxic material carbon monoxide, firepower stability and easy to control. Eddy current How exactly does the induction cooker work? The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which is the induction of electric current in a conductor when the magnetic field changes, was first discovered by the English physicist Faraday. Later, the scientist Maxwell deduced that the reason for electromagnetic induction is that the changing magnetic field creates an electric field in the surrounding space, which is perpendicular to the magnetic field and connects end to end, called the vortex electric field.   Induction cooker uses this kind of principle to make namely. Inside the induction cooker, the 50Hz common ALTERNATING current is changed into DC through certain methods, and then into the high-frequency current of about 20KHz. High-frequency current into the induction cooker panel in the coil, will produce a high-frequency magnetic field.   The high-frequency magnetic field generated by the coil creates a high-frequency electric field around it, which meets the conductor, the bottom of the pot, and creates a vortex current.   Induction cooker generally want to use iron pot or stainless steel pot, this is because iron pot has two benefits: · First, an iron pan is electrically conductive. If you use a ceramic pot, which is not conductive, you can't create eddy currents. · Second, iron POTS are ferromagnetic. The so-called ferromagnetism is that in the case of an external magnetic field, the material will be magnetized, forming a magnetic field in the same direction as the external magnetic field, so as to strengthen the external magnetic field. When the magnetic field generated by the high-frequency current is strengthened, it can generate a stronger eddy electric field, and the current is large enough. If you use copper or aluminum, these two metals are not ferromagnetic and cannot strengthen the magnetic field, so the eddy field is not large enough. ·  Is induction cooker harmful to human body? Because induction furnace produces high frequency oscillatory magnetic field, can have electromagnetic wave generation. However, the frequency of the induction cooker is only about 20,000 Hz, compared with the microwave oven 2 billion Hz, the frequency is 100,000 times lower. And, electromagnetic furnace radiation range is very small, only limited in a very small range near the electromagnetic furnace, intensity is not enough to produce harm to ordinary people.
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How Does Induction Cooktops Differ from Gas and Electric?
For starters, the dials are more precise than gas and electric styles. Many models come with well-marked half settings. Your regular stove probably has them too, but no one placed a mark to determine where they are. You won’t need to shift food around in your pan at all with the exception of turning to sear or brown. This is because you’ll no longer have hot and cold spots to contend with. You don’t have to wait for your pan to heat, so you can start cooking sooner. This alone cuts down on your time standing in front of your stove. Heat won’t gradually build either. What setting you choose is the amount of heat you’ll get until you tell your stovetop otherwise. Recipes might require you to adjust them for cook times. Just remember to use an analog thermometer (digital versions can interfere) to ensure your foods don’t under or overcook. Luckily, you can find many induction-cooking recipes that give precise cooking times. 2. Unmatched Safety Features Induction cooktops are a lot safer than gas or electric. There are many inbuilt features that make it easy to use and safe at the same time. Auto Shut Off With a traditional gas or electric stove, removing the pot or pan does nothing. But with Induction cooktops, when you remove the pan/pots, the stove shut off. This brings less cooking steps to speed along your meals; it takes the guesswork out of whether you shut off your stove. Did you accidentally turn on a burner without a pot? Your burner will not heat without a pot or pan in place. Because curious hands and accidental bumps can occur, this feature can help prevent injuries. Burners Quickly Cool Usually seconds later, you can touch the burner too without worrying about injury. This is a great feature for children, the elderly, or for the occasional times you’ve forgotten the stove is still hot. Since the stovetop itself doesn’t heat, it provides even fewer opportunities for accidental burns. Low Likelihood of Grease Fires Grease fires are common kitchen accidents. Why? In order to have a grease fire, you need grease and a flame. Grease is highly flammable. Roughly, 75% of kitchen fires have grease listed as its cause. Without an open flame or a cooking surface that holds heat, you greatly reduce the likelihood of a grease fire in your kitchen. 3. Doesn’t Heat Kitchens or Homes No cooktop will be heatproof. However, an induction range produces less heat than gas and electric models. This is mostly to do with only your pan receiving heat. The rest of the cooktop doesn’t absorb or maintain any cooking heat either. For summer kitchens, using one can further reduce your home’s energy costs. Your air conditioner won’t have to counteract the extra heat and work harder to cool down your home. 4. Flexible Placement Induction stoves can go in places most gas and electric ranges can’t due to building codes or laws. You’re not limited to pre-existing vents and exhausts or stuck with costs of moving it. The versatility gives you the option of truly customized kitchen experience. If you wish to later move your stove, you can without extra costs, labor or worry over codes. You can easily use them in non-traditional settings too. You only need a power source capable of running it, which can be more convenient and safer than propane for RVs and motor homes. Portable induction cooktops exist too. Vacation homes, dorm rooms, and offices can all benefit from having induction cooking available. 5. Cleanup is a Breeze The flat top design of induction stoves leaves few places for food or spills to hide. Food also can’t cook onto the surface since it doesn’t retain heat. You won’t need special tools or cleaners to maintain your stove either. Because there’s no baked-on mess, you might use less product. Tidying can begin when you stop cooking too, so you can easily clean as you go. Shorter cooking times, more control, and easy cleanup can make mealtimes a snap. Gas or electric ranges can’t match the safety features of induction technology. With so many advantages, why not invest in an induction cooktop for your new kitchen or remodel?
See more information 白箭头 黑箭头
How to use Tiansta induction cooker most efficient?
Before used, should read product manual carefully, understand the function of the product, use method, maintenance requirements and we provide after-sales service. Generally in use, maintenance should pay attention to the following points: Install special power cables and power sockets.  Induction cooker must configure power cord and socket according to power, should choose the copper core line that can bear 15A current normally, the socket that form a complete set uses, plug, switch also should achieve this one requirement. The induction cooker should be placed smoothly.  If a foot of the induction cooker is suspended, the gravity of the pot will force the oven to tilt and the food in the pot will overflow. If the furnace surface is not placed smoothly, the micro-shock generated by the pot is also easy to slide out and dangerous. Ensure that the air inlet and outlet are unobstructed. The induction cooker in the job is provided along with boiler rise in temperature and rise in temperature, because this induction cooker should be placed in air flow place, use outlet should leave wall and other article 250px above, assure furnace body is in enter, vent without any object block. Choose the right pot and utensils.  Induction cooker shell and black crystal bearing weight is limited, general civilian induction cooker even pot with food should not exceed 5 kg, and pot with bottom should not be too small, prevent induction cooker furnace face to bear pressure unlikely too concentrated. Pay attention to waterproof and moistureproof cockroach. Common induction furnace does not have waterproof function, be affected with damp or enter water, even the excrement of cockroach causes short circuit fault likely, because this is used, when putting, should be far away from moisture and steam, strictly prohibit to wash with water. Clean stoves properly. Induction cooker can not use solvent, gasoline to clean the furnace surface or furnace body. Usable soft cloth touches a bit neuter scour to wipe try. More considerations Do not place knives, forks, bottle caps and other ferromagnetic objects on the furnace panel,do not watch, recording tapes and other items susceptible to the magnetic field on the furnace, or with the operation of the induction furnace. Do not let the pot empty burning, dry burning, so as to avoid electromagnetic cooker panel because of high heat and split. The amount in the pot shall not exceed seven minutes to avoid short circuit fault caused by soup overflow after heating. POTS and pans must be placed in the middle of the induction cooker to avoid uneven heating, and do not frequently pick up the container POTS and pans and put them down again at high temperature or high power. Prohibited to dry burning empty pot, furnace panel is broken, should stop using, by professional maintenance personnel to replace the new panel immediately. Best not to place TV, VIDEO recorder in the range of 2-3M commercial induction cooker, cassette recorder and other household appliances afraid of magnetic, so as not to be affected adverse effects.
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